Journal,Uncategorized Journaling Writer’s Block? Inspiration is on the way!

Journaling Writer’s Block? Inspiration is on the way!

antique journal with question mark

antique journal with question mark

Journaling Basics

So, are you ready? I am … but there are so many options for creating a journal that it’s difficult to decide what I want and how to get there. You’ll need a journal, for sure – or at least some sheets of paper. I prefer unlined, but you can make lined paper work, too. The sheets of paper will need to be bound together in one way or another – but for now, you can just write on them (I’d suggest putting a number and maybe a date on each page, so that you don’t lose track of what you wrote, and in what in order). Next, consider the purpose of YOUR journal. Are you just going to write down thoughts (sometimes the best choice)? Perhaps you’ll chronicle your days or your life, one day at a time, one week at a time, or any interval that suits you? It’s not always easy to decide, but the key is that it doesn’t really matter, because you can change your mind, and your journals will evolve as you go.

To review what we said in the previous post, we have lots of reasons to journal:

  • Keeping our memories safe
  • Exploring possibilities in our lives
  • To note ideas
  • Planning – or to set goals
  • Organizing our lives (Bullet journals are fantastic for this – more info coming soon!)
  • To record experiences of our travels, vacations, outings, etc.
  • Play
  • Keeping track of what’s going on day to day

Here are three journals you might like. If you already have something you want to use, then just skip down to the section below!

You’ll notice that the first two of these (from left to right as you see them here) are what I’d call “standard” journals, By that, I mean they are constructed in the usual way – papers bound between two covers. These two are rather different from each other, though – the first one is a classic leather-bound journal (I really love those), and the second is a more classic construction, but still a great choice and very useful and portable. The last one is a travel journal – recording my travel experiences and memories is one of my favorite types of journaling. Of course, it could also be used just as an ordinary journal – no need to plan a trip or spend a lot of cash going somewhere to use that one. I particularly like this product because it has so many possibilities. Here’s a photo from Amazon’s page showing some ideas…

many uses for expandable travel journal
” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener nofollow”>get it here.

More about travel journaling coming soon! Wow, updating – now isn’t the best time, I guess, for a travel article. Even if it’s just about travel journaling? Well, maybe. But guess what? I’m working it into something special I’ll be doing in the Journaling Facebook Group. Check the Facebook Oaks and Magnolias page and join the Let’s Journal! journaling group so you stay in the loop for new events there!

Ready? Now comes the part that, I admit, can be hard for me at times. It’s so worthwhile – but what to write? This is very much an individual decision. Almost anything can be recorded in a journal. Most of us just write down our thoughts, our hopes, our dreams, our regrets, our sadness, our goals, our wins…it goes on. So right there is a place to start. Perhaps just jot down words that have some meaning – or no meaning at all, like a stream of consciousness.

Using one word as a prompt to evoke memories or spawn ideas.

Start with one word – perhaps a word that’s a sound, a smell, a color – almost any word can evolve into something you can write about. Let’s start with … one word! Your choice, but perhaps I’ll try “water.” Okay, let’s see where that takes me.

Water…river…sand…brown…icy cold…shade…overhanging trees and vines…pavilion…music…dancing…picnics…barbecues…family…cards…guitars…

That’s where the first thought of one thing – water – takes me! All those words evoke many, many memories for me of summer days, spending time at the local river, on the sandy beach, getting sunburned, the icy cold of the spring-fed river water on sun-hot skin, the momentary smell of exhaust fumes from the boat motors, picnics with family who drove “to the country” to join us and barbecue, play cards, my uncle playing guitar and singing. I really should write that down!

More ideas…

Sometimes, we just come up blank. I often do, perhaps because I’m trying too hard? This isn’t supposed to be an effort at creative writing. It’s just self-expression – no judgment involved. But still…perhaps there are simply no ideas flowing. Don’t give up. Here are just a few more ideas to get you writing!

  • One good thing that happened recently
  • Something you heard or read – maybe just a blurb of news or an overheard comment – what do you think about it?
  • Your pet’s antics (or children’s)
  • Were you happy today? Why? Angry? Why? Sad? Frustrated? Write it down!
  • Gratitude. This is a big one. Were you grateful for something today? Do you think you should have been grateful, but weren’t? Why? What are you grateful for in your life?

Often, I’m just too tired after a long day, to get very creative. I might just note that fact and stop right there. But I have found that just writing that down will get more ideas coming and I’ll write a bit more.

Ready-to-use Resources for ideas, inspiration, or just for pleasure

I get lots of other ideas from some fantastic resources that I want to share with you. These are magazines from Stampington & Company – I’ve subscribed for years, and the magazines are so beautiful that I think of them as books to keep, not as a throwaway item like some other magazines. I recommend these to you 100% as a super resource for journaling, and as a source of joy and wonder in life. They are worth their slightly higher subscription price (compared to more ordinary publications), and I know you’ll draw tons of inspiration for your journaling efforts from their pages, and joy from their fantastic photography and writing. You’ll also find pieces there to stimulate ideas and journal entries – lots of ideas, examples of what others are doing, and prompts to kickstart your own journal pages. Check them out from the links below. One suggestion – look at them all before you decide to choose one – each is different and has a different focus – you know yourself best and will be able to select something perfect for YOU and your journaling plans/ideas. I hope you will love them and use them as much as I do!

Art Journaling magazine winter 2020 issue cover
Art Journaling – Winter 2020 issue – articles, inspiration, how-to, and more
Art Journaling Magazine

Learn more about this beautiful publication – click above or below on the links, or if you can’t wait, click on the current special “Save $6 on subscription link” below.

Art Journaling magazine cover images subscriptions
Art Journaling – a great inspiration that will keep you inspired for months!
Save $6 on Art Journaling Subscription Now only $53.99

Want more inspiration? Read on…

Next, there’s bella Grace. It’s a quarterly publication that’s almost a book in magazine format. However, you’ll like it for what it is – a super source of ideas for almost anything you’d like to write.

Cover photo Bella Grace magazine
Try bella Grace for some of the best ideas and journaling inspiration around!
Bella Grace Magazine

Bella Grace Magazine - Love the Life You Live

bella Grace is my go-to magazine for journaling inspiration or just to get a lift when I want to feel good. It’s just beautiful, and the ideas, prompts, journaling pages, interviews, and articles can’t be beat if you want something uplifting or to find inspiration for your journal pages. Some of the articles feature shared personal accounts of journaling and its effects in improving one’s life, overcoming tragedy or loss, or experiencing joy and life to the fullest.

Help Her Find Her Magic

New Generation bella Grace (click on the linked photo above to learn more) is a version created especially for girls ages 12 – 19 to help them grow their creativity. So if you are younger, or have a young woman you think would like to have some special inspiration, then New Generation bella Grace is a great gift choice.

That’s about it for today – but don’t leave yet! We want to hear from you…

Okay – are you ready to get started? Even if you journal just once in a while, it can be super rewarding! Just starting out – try it today! Please share your ideas in the comments! Come back soon for more articles with some basic and advanced ideas, reviews of products and books, and lots more!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Oaks and Magnolias newsletter so you can keep up with what’s new on the site, events I’m planning, and any special info offered, including freebies. The subscription box is to the right, in the sidebar.

19 thoughts on “Journaling Writer’s Block? Inspiration is on the way!”

    1. Hi Olivia, I’m so glad that I helped you get excited about journaling! Please come back and share your progress. Thanks for visiting Oaks and Magnolias – I’ll have more articles up soon about journaling, with more ideas and helpful suggestions.

  1. Great tips! I love the creativity of journalling. It’s so much more than just words. I can’t wait for the travel journal ideas you have coming!! Thanks!

    1. Hi Lauren, I’m so glad you enjoyed the article and that I came up with good tips! There are really endless possibilities in journaling. I will have more up soon – including that article on travel journaling.

  2. I loved this article on journalling; who knew? I wondered how to get new inspiration for blogs and now I know of more resources! I enjoyed your example of “water” and how it can evoke so many journal topics! Thankyou for your insight.

    1. Hi Iris, So glad you liked the article. I am so pleased I gave you some good ideas to keep you journaling. I love journaling – it’s truly a journey. I will be offering more ideas and resources soon!

  3. I LOVE journaling! Especially with leather-bound journals. The smell each time you open it is A-MAZING! I really enjoyed reading your post, I teach high school English so Iā€™m always trying to get them to understand if you just START writing, something will naturally come into your mind for you to write about. Thank you for sharing and for inspiring others!

    1. Hi Theresa, Thanks for your kind and encouraging words! I love using the leather-bound journals – as you say, the smell is wonderful! Good luck with getting your students to write more – I know they will figure it out soon. I’ll have more useful content coming soon, so do visit here again. I’m so glad the article was helpful. šŸ™‚

  4. I’ve been a start & stop journaling type person for years. I’ve found that the one thing I use every day is my planner & I just write significant notes about the day or favorite quotes etc in that. Great suggestions for giving it a go once again!

    1. Hi Suzan, I can relate to the start and stop journaling, too. A planner is really a good way to jot some things down and keep them. I’m glad if I gave you some good ideas to kp you journaling in any form that will work!

  5. I love your ideas! I especially love the brainstorming technique of starting with just one word & letting other words flow from that. I have done that myself and it does get you going with writing. Thanks for the magazine suggestions as well…very helpful post!

  6. I love Art Journaling Magazine. I go to Barnes and Noble purely for that publication sometimes šŸ™‚ I posted about a new Bullet Art Journal I started this year. If you’re interested, I’d be honored if you stop by my blog!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I’m glad you like Art Journaling! It’s a great publication, full of ideas and inspiration. I will definitely stop by your blog – the Bullet Art Journal sounds super!

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