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I’ve already said how much I love fall! In fact, I really love the change in the seasons – even winter, which can be a bit dreary here, even if we don’t get snow and ice like a lot of the country. Maybe I’m just an incurable romantic – or maybe it’s a result of growing up in a small town where fall evenings meant long walks in the fallen leaves, burning fires and that pervasive smell of crackling, burning logs, and a special chill in the evening air. It also meant clear skies, crisp temperatures (sweater weather!), and beautiful fields of stars in the night sky. Yes, that was before light pollution and growth took over my small hometown…
What does fall mean to you? Do you live in a place where there is a big difference as the seasons change? Here in the South, it’s not so dramatic, but it’s still a fun time of year that gets us started thinking about the holidays that are coming. And often, some of us get to travel during the holiday times – I love traveling, so watch for more about some cool fall happenings coming soon.

One of my favorite things to do when there’s a chill in the air is to curl up on the sofa with my dogs, a good book, and something hot to drink. Coffee is good, of course, but this time of year, I favor a nice cup of tea or, especially, some spiced cider for a change. I’ve made spiced apple cider from scratch many times (assembling the spices one by one by hand), but these days, I’m the only one in the house who drinks it (the kids have moved out and have their own homes and families, and my husband doesn’t care much for warm cider). Because it’s a lot of effort to make a pot of spiced cider, much less store it in the fridge (it takes up space), I like to make just a little at a time. I have found a great solution – mulling spices in bags! I particularly like these:
These mulling spices come already packaged in convenient tea bag style packets and will make one or two cups of spiced cider. A plus is that they can also be used to make mulled wine (but I haven’t tried that yet). This is so much easier, if not completely traditional – and it lets me have my cup of spiced cider ready in minutes. I just heat a cup of cider in the microwave or on the stove, and then pour it into my mug and drop in the bag of mulling spice. I let it steep and presto! Two minutes max and I have a nice, comforting, wonderfully scented cup of spiced cider.
Of course, sometimes we aren’t alone and want to have a larger quantity of spiced cider ready for guests. When I need more, I like to use Mulling Spices made by Monterey Bay Spice Company to make a lovely pot of spiced cider.
This combination of spices is ready to use right out of the pouch. For a pot of spiced cider, you’ll need:
Apple cider – 8 cups (you can also use apple juice, if you prefer)
Mulling Spice blend (or spice mix of your choice) – 1 cup
Whole cloves and/or short cinnamon sticks for garnish ( I like to float a couple of cloves or a cinnamon stick in my cup.)
Note: This recipe works well when cut in half, i.e., 4 cups of cider, 1/2 cup Mulling Spice blend)
Put the cider and spice blend into a lidded stainless steel or glass pot and heat just to simmering over medium heat. Don’t boil. When it’s at a simmer, uncover the pot, adjust the heat to low, and let it continue to simmer for about 20 minutes, or longer, until the taste is just as you like it. When it’s perfect, pour through a strainer to separate the spices from the liquid. Pour out a cup into your favorite mug or teacup. Or you can just use a ladle to carefully scoop up the cider, leaving the spices behind.
You can float one or two whole cloves in a cup, or use a short cinnamon stick in each cup for extra taste and a pretty touch.
Thanks to Monterey Bay Spice Company for the recipe inspiration!
We’d love to hear your thoughts about either of these products once you’ve tried them. I hope they help you find a few moments of peace in this busy time of year – or help you with your entertaining!
Now – what are some of your favorite things about fall? Is it the fall colors? The yummy foods that we eat for special occasions? The warmer clothes (sweater weather?) that give us that cozy feeling? The crackling of wood and the scent of a burning fire in the hearth? Something special you like to do? (I love walking through piles of fallen leaves – still a kid at heart!) Decorating your place for the holidays? These are the things that make life full! Please tell us in the comments!
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Before we know it fall in covid will be here.