A few weeks ago, I went live on the Oaks and Magnolias Facebook page to give you a quick walking tour of my garden in our suburban backyard. It was great fun having everyone over to my place and I’m planning on doing this more often. If you missed the Live, it’s below. Please watch it and let me know what you think – I am a total amateur at video, for sure. I’ll be doing another live, hopefully this next week, with updates on the garden and my newest “experiments.”
I’m having a lot of fun adding plants to the patio garden and preparing to start digging in the raised beds. I have two to dig up and add soil, and get ready for plants, because down here in the South, it’s quickly becoming summer with the hot and sometimes dry weather that can be tough even on established plants and landscaping. I thought I would share some of my photos from the potted garden and also my thoughts on gardening and how it’s a great way to enhance your life!
Two of my begonias growing in pots Basil in a pot on the patio Mint, oxalis, and basil in my container garden
Now, don’t say you have a black thumb! I know, we all feel that way at times. I certainly have. There are a number of types of plants that I don’t have much “talent” with. I avoid them to spare their lives. However, there are certain “hardy” flowers and “easy” vegetables that I love to plant and grow – and harvest. For example, hibiscus is gorgeous with its big, saucer-sized blooms. I love begonias with their colorful red and shiny green, waxy leaves and flowers in multiple shades of red, pink, and white. I like planting certain vegetables/fruits especially – the ones we like to eat, or the ones that grow with ease. Examples: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, okra, green beans, peas, and lots of different herbs. My best luck has been with basil, mint, parsley, and rosemary.
Thai basil in a small pot Onion plants flowering Garlic chives on the patio Container Garden on the Patio
This week, I’m working a little on preparing the (sort of) raised beds we installed a few years ago in the yard. At that time, I had a marvelous garden of strawberry plants going, which produced bunches of strawberries that we enjoyed every day for a couple of months. After about 4 years, though, the plants were spent, and sadly, I removed the few remaining ones. I had a nice growth of parsley and some of the veggies I mentioned, though, especially okra, cucumbers, and basil, which lasted much longer. Finally, I let them go to weeds and moved to pot gardening. Now it’s time to “go back to the soil!”
I’ll be posting another Facebook Live soon so you can share my newest gardening efforts and get another up-close look at what I’ve got growing. Stay tuned – and please share your gardening achievements, triumphs, failures, and questions below in the comments! I can’t wait to hear from you – I bet you have some great ideas to share!
And – Please subscribe to the Oaks and Magnolias newsletter for updates about what’s new on the blog. The link is on the right in the sidebar.
See you soon! Don’t forget to check the Oaks and Magnolias Facebook page, too, for updates and other chatter about what’s happening.
You make backyard gardening look east and fun.
Love the beautiful garden pictures.
Your garden live videos are relaxing and informative. It’s a fun walk.
Love backyard is looking better every day You have s as great green thumb.